How to log out of office 365
How to log out of office 365

(To download, click “Install Office” and then “Office 365 apps” after logging in.)

  • Use these programs online or download them to your computer.
  • Gain access to your LaGuardia email (through Outlook) as well as other Microsoft programs, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive and Teams, through your CUNY Office 365 account.
  • Log into ePortfolio using your LaGuardia email address and password.
  • Discover how to create and update your ePortfolio – sign up for a workshop.
  • Learn the basics of using ePortfolio through this video series, check out more detailed videos and tutorials and find more ePortfolio resources.
  • Log into your CUNY Dropbox account using your CUNY credentials (username is firstname.lastname + the last 2 digits of your EMPL ID, and your password is the same as your CUNYfirst account).
  • CUNY provides you with access to Dropbox and Dropbox Paper to store files and collaborate on projects.
  • Log in using your CUNY credentials (username is firstname.lastname + the last 2 digits of your EMPL ID, and your password is the same as your CUNYfirst account).
  • Troubleshoot common issues in Blackboard.
  • Check out CUNY’s training guides and this student-created PDF guide.
  • Digital Tools Review the Netiquette Guide for help with communicating effectively in a virtual environment.

    How to log out of office 365